Matheus HofstedeSeamless and Streamlined Deployment with Google Cloud + FirebaseWhether for POCs, college assignments, or recruitment process challenges, giving the user the possibility to use the application is…Aug 22, 2023Aug 22, 2023
Matheus HofstedeUtilizando OKR para planejamento pessoalPercebi que um artigo que fiz em 2020 sobre esse tema vem recebendo uma quantidade visualizações atípicas: cerca de 300 no mês de dezembro…Jan 9, 2023Jan 9, 2023
Matheus HofstedeinLevel Up CodingProxy Pattern in a Clean Architecture context: A decoupled Cache implementation proposal with…See how to implement the Proxy Design Pattern respecting the concepts of Clean ArchitectureOct 22, 20221Oct 22, 20221
Matheus HofstedeAchieve dependency inversion with NodeJs, Typescript, and tsyringeDependency inversion is one of the 5 SOLID principles and, in my opinion, one of the most important as it allows decoupling modules…Sep 29, 20221Sep 29, 20221
Matheus HofstedeMaking my homepage score 95+ on PageSpeed InsightsTaking advantage that today I had a holiday, I did some upgrades on my personal website, linking 2 projects to my portfolio. So, I tested…Apr 24, 2021Apr 24, 2021
Matheus HofstedeImprove code quality with ktlint, detekt, and git hooksCode quality nowadays is not only a paper of QA professionals and the code review step is not the moment to point out code style/code…Dec 20, 2020Dec 20, 2020
Matheus HofstedeAndroid “res” folder on FlutterThe Android Framework is a feature-rich ecosystem with many conventions. As an Android developer migrating to Flutter, which has somehow a…Nov 21, 2020Nov 21, 2020
Matheus HofstedeGoogle Cloud Pub Sub on Android with MVVMAs a demand for a project of my work I had to study Pub Sub architecture to implement an app with real time data. I’ve used as a example a…Apr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020
Matheus HofstedeO que uma transferência interbancária (ou a falta dela) tem a ver com o AntifrágilMe deparei com essa notícia em um grupo do Whatsapp, e a primeira coisa que me veio na cabeça foi “nossa, a Sanar é a materialização do…Apr 25, 2020Apr 25, 2020
Matheus HofstedeNão é só pelo dinheiro… e nunca foiUma fenômeno interessante que acontece nos relacionamentos (pelo menos nos meus) é uma espécie de crossing-over (sim, aquele que você…Mar 12, 20201Mar 12, 20201